#10 Set encryption algorithm

Deuchnord sapludināja 1 revīzijas no encryption uz master pirms 4 gadiem
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Modify the configuration (if yes, describe bellow)? Yes
Bug fix? No

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Set the encrytion algoithm to blowfish2 (the best currently implemented on Vim) for the :X command.

| Q | A | --- | --- | Add a plugin? | No | If yes, URL of the plugin | | Modify the configuration (if yes, describe bellow)? | Yes | Bug fix? | No **Add a small description of your PR here:** Set the encrytion algoithm to `blowfish2` ([the best currently implemented on Vim](https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Encryption)) for the `:X` command.
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pirms 5 gadiem
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Deuchnord izdzēsa atzaru encryption pirms 4 gadiem
Izmaiņu pieprasījums tika sapludināts ar revīziju f215a4db50.
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