123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- # Kosmorro - Compute The Next Ephemerides
- # Copyright (C) 2019 Jérôme Deuchnord <jerome@deuchnord.fr>
- #
- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
- # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
- # License, or (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
- import datetime
- import json
- import os
- from tabulate import tabulate
- from numpy import int64
- from termcolor import colored
- from .data import Object, AsterEphemerides, MoonPhase, Event
- from .i18n import _
- from .version import VERSION
- from .exceptions import UnavailableFeatureError
- try:
- from latex import build_pdf
- except ImportError:
- build_pdf = None
- FULL_DATE_FORMAT = _('{day_of_week} {month} {day_number}, {year}').format(day_of_week='%A', month='%B',
- day_number='%d', year='%Y')
- SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT = _('{month} {day_number}, {hours}:{minutes}').format(month='%b', day_number='%d',
- hours='%H', minutes='%M')
- TIME_FORMAT = _('{hours}:{minutes}').format(hours='%H', minutes='%M')
- class Dumper(ABC):
- def __init__(self, ephemeris: dict, events: [Event], date: datetime.date = datetime.date.today(), timezone: int = 0,
- with_colors: bool = True):
- self.ephemeris = ephemeris
- self.events = events
- self.date = date
- self.timezone = timezone
- self.with_colors = with_colors
- if self.timezone != 0:
- self._convert_dates_to_timezones()
- def _convert_dates_to_timezones(self):
- if self.ephemeris['moon_phase'].time is not None:
- self.ephemeris['moon_phase'].time = self._datetime_to_timezone(self.ephemeris['moon_phase'].time)
- if self.ephemeris['moon_phase'].next_phase_date is not None:
- self.ephemeris['moon_phase'].next_phase_date = self._datetime_to_timezone(
- self.ephemeris['moon_phase'].next_phase_date)
- for aster in self.ephemeris['details']:
- if aster.ephemerides.rise_time is not None:
- aster.ephemerides.rise_time = self._datetime_to_timezone(aster.ephemerides.rise_time)
- if aster.ephemerides.culmination_time is not None:
- aster.ephemerides.culmination_time = self._datetime_to_timezone(aster.ephemerides.culmination_time)
- if aster.ephemerides.set_time is not None:
- aster.ephemerides.set_time = self._datetime_to_timezone(aster.ephemerides.set_time)
- for event in self.events:
- event.start_time = self._datetime_to_timezone(event.start_time)
- if event.end_time is not None:
- event.end_time = self._datetime_to_timezone(event.end_time)
- def _datetime_to_timezone(self, time: datetime.datetime):
- return time.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).astimezone(
- tz=datetime.timezone(
- datetime.timedelta(
- hours=self.timezone
- )
- )
- )
- def get_date_as_string(self, capitalized: bool = False) -> str:
- date = self.date.strftime(FULL_DATE_FORMAT)
- if capitalized:
- return ''.join([date[0].upper(), date[1:]])
- return date
- @abstractmethod
- def to_string(self):
- pass
- @staticmethod
- def is_file_output_needed() -> bool:
- return False
- class JsonDumper(Dumper):
- def to_string(self):
- self.ephemeris['events'] = self.events
- self.ephemeris['ephemerides'] = self.ephemeris.pop('details')
- return json.dumps(self.ephemeris,
- default=self._json_default,
- indent=4)
- @staticmethod
- def _json_default(obj):
- # Fixes the "TypeError: Object of type int64 is not JSON serializable"
- # See https://stackoverflow.com/a/50577730
- if isinstance(obj, int64):
- return int(obj)
- if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
- return obj.isoformat()
- if isinstance(obj, Object):
- obj = obj.__dict__
- obj.pop('skyfield_name')
- obj['object'] = obj.pop('name')
- obj['details'] = obj.pop('ephemerides')
- return obj
- if isinstance(obj, AsterEphemerides):
- return obj.__dict__
- if isinstance(obj, MoonPhase):
- moon_phase = obj.__dict__
- moon_phase['phase'] = moon_phase.pop('identifier')
- moon_phase['date'] = moon_phase.pop('time')
- return moon_phase
- if isinstance(obj, Event):
- event = obj.__dict__
- event['objects'] = [object.name for object in event['objects']]
- return event
- raise TypeError('Object of type "%s" could not be integrated in the JSON' % str(type(obj)))
- class TextDumper(Dumper):
- def to_string(self):
- text = [self.style(self.get_date_as_string(capitalized=True), 'h1')]
- if len(self.ephemeris['details']) > 0:
- text.append(self.get_asters(self.ephemeris['details']))
- text.append(self.get_moon(self.ephemeris['moon_phase']))
- if len(self.events) > 0:
- text.append('\n'.join([self.style(_('Expected events:'), 'h2'),
- self.get_events(self.events)]))
- if self.timezone == 0:
- text.append(self.style(_('Note: All the hours are given in UTC.'), 'em'))
- else:
- tz_offset = str(self.timezone)
- if self.timezone > 0:
- tz_offset = ''.join(['+', tz_offset])
- text.append(self.style(_('Note: All the hours are given in the UTC{offset} timezone.').format(
- offset=tz_offset), 'em'))
- return '\n\n'.join(text)
- def style(self, text: str, tag: str) -> str:
- if not self.with_colors:
- return text
- styles = {
- 'h1': lambda t: colored(t, 'yellow', attrs=['bold']),
- 'h2': lambda t: colored(t, 'magenta', attrs=['bold']),
- 'th': lambda t: colored(t, 'white', attrs=['bold']),
- 'strong': lambda t: colored(t, attrs=['bold']),
- 'em': lambda t: colored(t, attrs=['dark'])
- }
- return styles[tag](text)
- def get_asters(self, asters: [Object]) -> str:
- data = []
- for aster in asters:
- name = self.style(aster.name, 'th')
- if aster.ephemerides.rise_time is not None:
- time_fmt = TIME_FORMAT if aster.ephemerides.rise_time.day == self.date.day else SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT
- planet_rise = aster.ephemerides.rise_time.strftime(time_fmt)
- else:
- planet_rise = '-'
- if aster.ephemerides.culmination_time is not None:
- time_fmt = TIME_FORMAT if aster.ephemerides.culmination_time.day == self.date.day \
- planet_culmination = aster.ephemerides.culmination_time.strftime(time_fmt)
- else:
- planet_culmination = '-'
- if aster.ephemerides.set_time is not None:
- time_fmt = TIME_FORMAT if aster.ephemerides.set_time.day == self.date.day else SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT
- planet_set = aster.ephemerides.set_time.strftime(time_fmt)
- else:
- planet_set = '-'
- data.append([name, planet_rise, planet_culmination, planet_set])
- return tabulate(data, headers=[self.style(_('Object'), 'th'),
- self.style(_('Rise time'), 'th'),
- self.style(_('Culmination time'), 'th'),
- self.style(_('Set time'), 'th')],
- tablefmt='simple', stralign='center', colalign=('left',))
- def get_events(self, events: [Event]) -> str:
- data = []
- for event in events:
- time_fmt = TIME_FORMAT if event.start_time.day == self.date.day else SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT
- data.append([self.style(event.start_time.strftime(time_fmt), 'th'),
- event.get_description()])
- return tabulate(data, tablefmt='plain', stralign='left')
- def get_moon(self, moon_phase: MoonPhase) -> str:
- current_moon_phase = ' '.join([self.style(_('Moon phase:'), 'strong'), moon_phase.get_phase()])
- new_moon_phase = _('{next_moon_phase} on {next_moon_phase_date} at {next_moon_phase_time}').format(
- next_moon_phase=moon_phase.get_next_phase(),
- next_moon_phase_date=moon_phase.next_phase_date.strftime(FULL_DATE_FORMAT),
- next_moon_phase_time=moon_phase.next_phase_date.strftime(TIME_FORMAT)
- )
- return '\n'.join([current_moon_phase, new_moon_phase])
- class _LatexDumper(Dumper):
- def to_string(self):
- template_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),
- 'assets', 'pdf', 'template.tex')
- with open(template_path, mode='r') as file:
- template = file.read()
- return self._make_document(template)
- def _make_document(self, template: str) -> str:
- kosmorro_logo_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),
- 'assets', 'png', 'kosmorro-logo.png')
- moon_phase_graphics = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),
- 'assets', 'moonphases', 'png',
- '.'.join([self.ephemeris['moon_phase'].identifier.lower().replace('_', '-'),
- 'png']))
- document = template
- if len(self.ephemeris['details']) == 0:
- document = self._remove_section(document, 'ephemerides')
- if len(self.events) == 0:
- document = self._remove_section(document, 'events')
- document = document \
- .replace('+++KOSMORRO-VERSION+++', VERSION) \
- .replace('+++KOSMORRO-LOGO+++', kosmorro_logo_path) \
- .replace('+++DOCUMENT-TITLE+++', _('A Summary of your Sky')) \
- .replace('+++DOCUMENT-DATE+++', self.get_date_as_string(capitalized=True)) \
- .replace('+++INTRODUCTION+++',
- '\n\n'.join([
- _("This document summarizes the ephemerides and the events of {date}. "
- "It aims to help you to prepare your observation session. "
- "All the hours are given in {timezone}.").format(
- date=self.get_date_as_string(),
- timezone='UTC+%d' % self.timezone if self.timezone != 0 else 'UTC'
- ),
- _("Don't forget to check the weather forecast before you go out with your material.")
- ])) \
- .replace('+++SECTION-EPHEMERIDES+++', _('Ephemerides of the day')) \
- .replace('+++EPHEMERIDES-OBJECT+++', _('Object')) \
- .replace('+++EPHEMERIDES-RISE-TIME+++', _('Rise time')) \
- .replace('+++EPHEMERIDES-CULMINATION-TIME+++', _('Culmination time')) \
- .replace('+++EPHEMERIDES-SET-TIME+++', _('Set time')) \
- .replace('+++EPHEMERIDES+++', self._make_ephemerides()) \
- .replace('+++MOON-PHASE-GRAPHICS+++', moon_phase_graphics) \
- .replace('+++CURRENT-MOON-PHASE-TITLE+++', _('Moon phase:')) \
- .replace('+++CURRENT-MOON-PHASE+++', self.ephemeris['moon_phase'].get_phase()) \
- .replace('+++SECTION-EVENTS+++', _('Expected events')) \
- .replace('+++EVENTS+++', self._make_events())
- return document
- def _make_ephemerides(self) -> str:
- latex = []
- for aster in self.ephemeris['details']:
- if aster.ephemerides.rise_time is not None:
- time_fmt = TIME_FORMAT if aster.ephemerides.rise_time.day == self.date.day else SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT
- aster_rise = aster.ephemerides.rise_time.strftime(time_fmt)
- else:
- aster_rise = '-'
- if aster.ephemerides.culmination_time is not None:
- time_fmt = TIME_FORMAT if aster.ephemerides.culmination_time.day == self.date.day\
- aster_culmination = aster.ephemerides.culmination_time.strftime(time_fmt)
- else:
- aster_culmination = '-'
- if aster.ephemerides.set_time is not None:
- time_fmt = TIME_FORMAT if aster.ephemerides.set_time.day == self.date.day else SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT
- aster_set = aster.ephemerides.set_time.strftime(time_fmt)
- else:
- aster_set = '-'
- latex.append(r'\object{%s}{%s}{%s}{%s}' % (aster.name,
- aster_rise,
- aster_culmination,
- aster_set))
- return ''.join(latex)
- def _make_events(self) -> str:
- latex = []
- for event in self.events:
- latex.append(r'\event{%s}{%s}' % (event.start_time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT),
- event.get_description()))
- return ''.join(latex)
- @staticmethod
- def _remove_section(document: str, section: str):
- begin_section_tag = '%%%%%% BEGIN-%s-SECTION' % section.upper()
- end_section_tag = '%%%%%% END-%s-SECTION' % section.upper()
- document = document.split('\n')
- new_document = []
- ignore_line = False
- for line in document:
- if begin_section_tag in line or end_section_tag in line:
- ignore_line = not ignore_line
- continue
- if ignore_line:
- continue
- new_document.append(line)
- return '\n'.join(new_document)
- class PdfDumper(Dumper):
- def __init__(self, ephemerides, events, date=datetime.datetime.now(), timezone=0, with_colors=True):
- super(PdfDumper, self).__init__(ephemerides, events, date=date, timezone=0, with_colors=with_colors)
- self.timezone = timezone
- def to_string(self):
- try:
- latex_dumper = _LatexDumper(self.ephemeris, self.events,
- date=self.date, timezone=self.timezone, with_colors=self.with_colors)
- return self._compile(latex_dumper.to_string())
- except RuntimeError:
- raise UnavailableFeatureError(_("Building PDFs was not possible, because some dependencies are not"
- " installed.\nPlease look at the documentation at http://kosmorro.space "
- "for more information."))
- @staticmethod
- def is_file_output_needed() -> bool:
- return True
- @staticmethod
- def _compile(latex_input) -> bytes:
- if build_pdf is None:
- raise RuntimeError('Python latex module not found')
- return bytes(build_pdf(latex_input))