Pārlūkot izejas kodu

fix: fix a display issue on the events list when Kosmorrolib returns events not supported by the CLI

Jérôme Deuchnord pirms 2 gadiem
1 mainītis faili ar 5 papildinājumiem un 11 dzēšanām
  1. +5

+ 5
- 11
_kosmorro/i18n/strings.py Parādīt failu

@@ -1,26 +1,20 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from typing import Union
from .utils import _

from kosmorrolib import EventType, MoonPhaseType, ObjectIdentifier, Event

def from_event(event: Event, with_description: bool = True) -> str:
def from_event(event: Event, with_description: bool = True) -> Union[None, str]:
string, details = {
EventType.OPPOSITION: (_("%s is in opposition"), None),
EventType.CONJUNCTION: (_("%s and %s are in conjunction"), None),
EventType.OCCULTATION: (_("%s occults %s"), None),
_("Elongation of %s is maximal"),
if type(event.details) is dict
else event.details
EventType.MAXIMAL_ELONGATION: (_("Elongation of %s is maximal"), lambda e: "{:.3n}°".format(e.details["deg"])),
EventType.PERIGEE: (_("%s is at its perigee"), None),
EventType.APOGEE: (_("%s is at its apogee"), None),
}.get(event.event_type, (None, None))

if string is None:
return None
@@ -28,7 +22,7 @@ def from_event(event: Event, with_description: bool = True) -> str:
string = string % tuple([from_object(o.identifier) for o in event.objects])

if details is not None and with_description:
return "%s (%s)" % (string, details)
return "%s (%s)" % (string, details())

return string

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