#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Kosmorro - Compute The Next Ephemerides # Copyright (C) 2019 Jérôme Deuchnord # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import datetime import json import os from pathlib import Path from tabulate import tabulate from termcolor import colored from .data import ASTERS, AsterEphemerides, MoonPhase, Event from .i18n import _, FULL_DATE_FORMAT, SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT, TIME_FORMAT from .version import VERSION from .exceptions import UnavailableFeatureError try: from latex import build_pdf except ImportError: build_pdf = None class Dumper(ABC): def __init__(self, ephemerides: [AsterEphemerides] = None, moon_phase: MoonPhase = None, events: [Event] = None, date: datetime.date = datetime.date.today(), timezone: int = 0, with_colors: bool = True, show_graph: bool = False): self.ephemerides = ephemerides self.moon_phase = moon_phase self.events = events self.date = date self.timezone = timezone self.with_colors = with_colors self.show_graph = show_graph def get_date_as_string(self, capitalized: bool = False) -> str: date = self.date.strftime(FULL_DATE_FORMAT) if capitalized: return ''.join([date[0].upper(), date[1:]]) return date def __str__(self): return self.to_string() @abstractmethod def to_string(self): pass @staticmethod def is_file_output_needed() -> bool: return False class JsonDumper(Dumper): def to_string(self): return json.dumps({ 'ephemerides': [ephemeris.serialize() for ephemeris in self.ephemerides], 'moon_phase': self.moon_phase.serialize(), 'events': [event.serialize() for event in self.events] }, indent=4) class TextDumper(Dumper): def to_string(self): text = [self.style(self.get_date_as_string(capitalized=True), 'h1')] if self.ephemerides is not None: text.append(self.stringify_ephemerides()) text.append(self.get_moon(self.moon_phase)) if len(self.events) > 0: text.append('\n'.join([self.style(_('Expected events:'), 'h2'), self.get_events(self.events)])) if self.timezone == 0: text.append(self.style(_('Note: All the hours are given in UTC.'), 'em')) else: tz_offset = str(self.timezone) if self.timezone > 0: tz_offset = ''.join(['+', tz_offset]) text.append(self.style(_('Note: All the hours are given in the UTC{offset} timezone.').format( offset=tz_offset), 'em')) return '\n\n'.join(text) def style(self, text: str, tag: str) -> str: if not self.with_colors: return text styles = { 'h1': lambda t: colored(t, 'yellow', attrs=['bold']), 'h2': lambda t: colored(t, 'magenta', attrs=['bold']), 'th': lambda t: colored(t, 'white', attrs=['bold']), 'strong': lambda t: colored(t, attrs=['bold']), 'em': lambda t: colored(t, attrs=['dark']) } return styles[tag](text) def stringify_ephemerides(self) -> str: data = [] for ephemeris in self.ephemerides: name = self.style(ephemeris.object.name, 'th') if ephemeris.rise_time is not None: time_fmt = TIME_FORMAT if ephemeris.rise_time.day == self.date.day else SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT planet_rise = ephemeris.rise_time.strftime(time_fmt) else: planet_rise = '-' if ephemeris.culmination_time is not None: time_fmt = TIME_FORMAT if ephemeris.culmination_time.day == self.date.day \ else SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT planet_culmination = ephemeris.culmination_time.strftime(time_fmt) else: planet_culmination = '-' if ephemeris.set_time is not None: time_fmt = TIME_FORMAT if ephemeris.set_time.day == self.date.day else SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT planet_set = ephemeris.set_time.strftime(time_fmt) else: planet_set = '-' data.append([name, planet_rise, planet_culmination, planet_set]) return tabulate(data, headers=[self.style(_('Object'), 'th'), self.style(_('Rise time'), 'th'), self.style(_('Culmination time'), 'th'), self.style(_('Set time'), 'th')], tablefmt='simple', stralign='center', colalign=('left',)) def get_events(self, events: [Event]) -> str: data = [] for event in events: time_fmt = TIME_FORMAT if event.start_time.day == self.date.day else SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT data.append([self.style(event.start_time.strftime(time_fmt), 'th'), event.get_description()]) return tabulate(data, tablefmt='plain', stralign='left') def get_moon(self, moon_phase: MoonPhase) -> str: if moon_phase is None: return _('Moon phase is unavailable for this date.') current_moon_phase = ' '.join([self.style(_('Moon phase:'), 'strong'), moon_phase.get_phase()]) new_moon_phase = _('{next_moon_phase} on {next_moon_phase_date} at {next_moon_phase_time}').format( next_moon_phase=moon_phase.get_next_phase_name(), next_moon_phase_date=moon_phase.next_phase_date.strftime(FULL_DATE_FORMAT), next_moon_phase_time=moon_phase.next_phase_date.strftime(TIME_FORMAT) ) return '\n'.join([current_moon_phase, new_moon_phase]) class _LatexDumper(Dumper): def to_string(self): template_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'assets', 'pdf', 'template.tex') with open(template_path, mode='r') as file: template = file.read() return self._make_document(template) def _make_document(self, template: str) -> str: kosmorro_logo_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'assets', 'png', 'kosmorro-logo.png') if self.moon_phase is None: self.moon_phase = MoonPhase('UNKNOWN') moon_phase_graphics = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'assets', 'moonphases', 'png', '.'.join([self.moon_phase.identifier.lower().replace('_', '-'), 'png'])) document = template if self.ephemerides is None: document = self._remove_section(document, 'ephemerides') if len(self.events) == 0: document = self._remove_section(document, 'events') document = self.add_strings(document, kosmorro_logo_path, moon_phase_graphics) if self.show_graph: # The graphephemerides environment beginning tag must end with a percent symbol to ensure # that no extra space will interfere with the graph. document = document.replace(r'\begin{ephemerides}', r'\begin{graphephemerides}%')\ .replace(r'\end{ephemerides}', r'\end{graphephemerides}') return document def add_strings(self, document, kosmorro_logo_path, moon_phase_graphics) -> str: document = document \ .replace('+++KOSMORRO-VERSION+++', VERSION) \ .replace('+++KOSMORRO-LOGO+++', kosmorro_logo_path) \ .replace('+++DOCUMENT-TITLE+++', _('A Summary of your Sky')) \ .replace('+++DOCUMENT-DATE+++', self.get_date_as_string(capitalized=True)) \ .replace('+++INTRODUCTION+++', '\n\n'.join([ _("This document summarizes the ephemerides and the events of {date}. " "It aims to help you to prepare your observation session. " "All the hours are given in {timezone}.").format( date=self.get_date_as_string(), timezone='UTC+%d' % self.timezone if self.timezone != 0 else 'UTC' ), _("Don't forget to check the weather forecast before you go out with your equipment.") ])) \ .replace('+++SECTION-EPHEMERIDES+++', _('Ephemerides of the day')) \ .replace('+++EPHEMERIDES-OBJECT+++', _('Object')) \ .replace('+++EPHEMERIDES-RISE-TIME+++', _('Rise time')) \ .replace('+++EPHEMERIDES-CULMINATION-TIME+++', _('Culmination time')) \ .replace('+++EPHEMERIDES-SET-TIME+++', _('Set time')) \ .replace('+++EPHEMERIDES+++', self._make_ephemerides()) \ .replace('+++GRAPH_LABEL_HOURS+++', _('hours')) \ .replace('+++MOON-PHASE-GRAPHICS+++', moon_phase_graphics) \ .replace('+++CURRENT-MOON-PHASE-TITLE+++', _('Moon phase:')) \ .replace('+++CURRENT-MOON-PHASE+++', self.moon_phase.get_phase()) \ .replace('+++SECTION-EVENTS+++', _('Expected events')) \ .replace('+++EVENTS+++', self._make_events()) for aster in ASTERS: document = document.replace('+++ASTER_%s+++' % aster.skyfield_name.upper().split(' ')[0], aster.name) return document def _make_ephemerides(self) -> str: latex = [] graph_y_component = 18 if self.ephemerides is not None: for ephemeris in self.ephemerides: if ephemeris.rise_time is not None: time_fmt = TIME_FORMAT if ephemeris.rise_time.day == self.date.day else SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT aster_rise = ephemeris.rise_time.strftime(time_fmt) else: aster_rise = '-' if ephemeris.culmination_time is not None: time_fmt = TIME_FORMAT if ephemeris.culmination_time.day == self.date.day\ else SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT aster_culmination = ephemeris.culmination_time.strftime(time_fmt) else: aster_culmination = '-' if ephemeris.set_time is not None: time_fmt = TIME_FORMAT if ephemeris.set_time.day == self.date.day else SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT aster_set = ephemeris.set_time.strftime(time_fmt) else: aster_set = '-' if not self.show_graph: latex.append(r'\object{%s}{%s}{%s}{%s}' % (ephemeris.object.name, aster_rise, aster_culmination, aster_set)) else: if ephemeris.rise_time is not None: raise_hour = ephemeris.rise_time.hour raise_minute = ephemeris.rise_time.minute else: raise_hour = raise_minute = 0 aster_rise = '' if ephemeris.set_time is not None: set_hour = ephemeris.set_time.hour set_minute = ephemeris.set_time.minute else: set_hour = 24 set_minute = 0 aster_set = '' sets_after_end = set_hour > raise_hour if not sets_after_end: latex.append(r'\graphobject{%d}{gray}{0}{0}{%d}{%d}{}{%s}' % (graph_y_component, set_hour, set_minute, aster_set)) set_hour = 24 set_minute = 0 latex.append(r'\graphobject{%d}{gray}{%d}{%d}{%d}{%d}{%s}{%s}' % ( graph_y_component, raise_hour, raise_minute, set_hour, set_minute, aster_rise, aster_set if sets_after_end else '' )) graph_y_component -= 2 return ''.join(latex) def _make_events(self) -> str: latex = [] for event in self.events: latex.append(r'\event{%s}{%s}' % (event.start_time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT), event.get_description())) return ''.join(latex) @staticmethod def _remove_section(document: str, section: str): begin_section_tag = '%%%%%% BEGIN-%s-SECTION' % section.upper() end_section_tag = '%%%%%% END-%s-SECTION' % section.upper() document = document.split('\n') new_document = [] ignore_line = False for line in document: if begin_section_tag in line or end_section_tag in line: ignore_line = not ignore_line continue if ignore_line: continue new_document.append(line) return '\n'.join(new_document) class PdfDumper(Dumper): def to_string(self): try: latex_dumper = _LatexDumper(self.ephemerides, self.moon_phase, self.events, date=self.date, timezone=self.timezone, with_colors=self.with_colors, show_graph=self.show_graph) return self._compile(latex_dumper.to_string()) except RuntimeError: raise UnavailableFeatureError(_("Building PDFs was not possible, because some dependencies are not" " installed.\nPlease look at the documentation at http://kosmorro.space " "for more information.")) @staticmethod def is_file_output_needed() -> bool: return True @staticmethod def _compile(latex_input) -> bytes: if build_pdf is None: raise RuntimeError('Python latex module not found') package = str(Path(__file__).parent.absolute()) + '/assets/pdf/' return bytes(build_pdf(latex_input, [package]))