Nevar pievienot vairāk kā 25 tēmas Tēmai ir jāsākas ar burtu vai ciparu, tā var saturēt domu zīmes ('-') un var būt līdz 35 simboliem gara.
dependabot[bot] 9c02c5a881
chore(deps): bump python-dateutil from 2.8.1 to 2.8.2 (#192)
pirms 3 gadiem
.github fix: enhance forward compatibility with Kosmorrolib (#189) pirms 3 gadiem
.scripts feat: use Kosmorrolib (#162) pirms 3 gadiem
_kosmorro build: bump version 0.10.1 pirms 3 gadiem
manpage feat(event): add support for moon apogee and perigee pirms 4 gadiem
test feat: use Kosmorrolib (#162) pirms 3 gadiem
.coveragerc ci(compatibility): test on more Python versions and on macOS (#131) pirms 4 gadiem
.editorconfig ci(compatibility): test on more Python versions and on macOS (#131) pirms 4 gadiem
.gitignore chore(i18n): migrate from POEditor to Weblate (#170) pirms 3 gadiem
.pylintrc ci(compatibility): test on more Python versions and on macOS (#131) pirms 4 gadiem build: bump version 0.10.1 pirms 3 gadiem docs: add code of conduct (#155) pirms 4 gadiem chore(i18n): migrate from POEditor to Weblate (#170) pirms 3 gadiem
Dockerfile build: fix Docker image build (#180) pirms 3 gadiem Add AGPL-v3.0 license pirms 5 gadiem feat: use Kosmorrolib (#162) pirms 3 gadiem
Makefile chore: fix Makefile and pirms 3 gadiem
Pipfile feat: use Kosmorrolib (#162) pirms 3 gadiem
Pipfile.lock chore(deps): bump python-dateutil from 2.8.1 to 2.8.2 (#192) pirms 3 gadiem fix(pdf): update message on PDF generation failure (#187) pirms 3 gadiem
kosmorro feat: use Kosmorrolib (#162) pirms 3 gadiem
setup.cfg build: fix Docker image build (#180) pirms 3 gadiem feat: use Kosmorrolib (#162) pirms 3 gadiem


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A program that calculates your astronomical ephemerides!


Production environment

If you want to give a try to Kosmorro, head to its official download page and follow the instructions that correspond to your operating system.

Development environment

Before you run Kosmorro in your development environment, check you have installed these programs on your system:

  • Python ≥ 3.7.0 (needed run Kosmorro)
  • PIP3 (needed for package management, usually installed among with Python 3)
  • Pipenv (needed to manage the virtual environment)

Clone this repository and run pipenv sync to install all the dependencies. Then, run Kosmorro by invoking pipenv run python kosmorro.

For comfort, you may want to invoke pipenv shell first and then just python kosmoro.

Using Kosmorro

Using Kosmorro is as simple as invoking kosmorro in your terminal!

By default, it will give you the current Moon phase and, if any, the events that will occur today. To get the rise, culmination and set of the objects of the Solar system, you will need to give it your position on Earth: get your current coordinates (with OpenStreetMap for instance), and give them to Kosmorro by invoking it with the following parameters: --latitude=X --longitude=Y (replace X by the latitude and Y by the longitude).

Kosmorro has a lot of available options. To get a list of them, run kosmorro --help, or read its manual with man kosmorro.

Note: the first time it runs, Kosmorro will download some important files needed to make the computations. They are stored in a cache folder named .kosmorro-cache located in your home directory (/home/<username> on Linux, /Users/<username> on macOS).

Exporting to PDF

Kosmorro can export the computation results to PDF files, but this feature requires first that you install some additional dependencies. You can find documentation about this on Kosmorro’s website.

Help translating Kosmorro!

Kosmorro is translated on Weblate, a popular free platform for crowd-sourced internationalization. If you speak a language that is not supported yet, feel free to contribute!

Translation state per language