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  1. .PHONY: test
  2. test:
  6. LANG=C pipenv run python3 -m coverage run -m unittest test
  7. build: i18n
  8. python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
  9. i18n:
  10. ronn --roff manpage/kosmorro.1.md
  11. ronn --roff manpage/kosmorro.7.md
  12. if [ "$$POEDITOR_API_ACCESS" != "" ]; then \
  13. python3 .scripts/build/getlangs.py; \
  14. python3 setup.py compile_catalog; \
  15. fi
  16. env:
  17. @if [[ "$$RELEASE_NUMBER" == "" ]]; \
  18. then echo "Missing environment variable: RELEASE_NUMBER."; \
  19. echo 'Example: export RELEASE_NUMBER="1.0.0" (without the leading "v")'; \
  20. exit 1; \
  21. fi
  22. release: env
  23. @echo -e "\e[1mCreating release with version number \e[36m$$RELEASE_NUMBER\e[0m"
  24. @echo
  25. sed "s/^VERSION =.*/VERSION = '$$RELEASE_NUMBER'/g" kosmorrolib/version.py > version.py
  26. mv version.py kosmorrolib/version.py
  27. pipenv run python setup.py extract_messages --output-file=kosmorrolib/locales/messages.pot > /dev/null
  28. conventional-changelog -p angular -i CHANGELOG.md -s
  29. sed "0,/\\[\\]/s/\\[\\]/[v$$RELEASE_NUMBER]/g" CHANGELOG.md > /tmp/CHANGELOG.md
  30. sed -e "s/...v)/...v$$RELEASE_NUMBER)/" /tmp/CHANGELOG.md > CHANGELOG.md
  31. rm /tmp/CHANGELOG.md
  32. @echo
  33. @echo -e "\e[1mRelease \e[36m$$RELEASE_NUMBER\e[39m is ready to commit."
  34. @echo -e "Please review the changes, then invoke \e[33mmake finish-release\e[39m."
  35. finish-release: env
  36. git add CHANGELOG.md kosmorrolib/version.py kosmorrolib/locales/messages.pot
  37. git commit -m "build: bump version $$RELEASE_NUMBER"
  38. git tag "v$$RELEASE_NUMBER"
  39. git checkout features
  40. git merge master
  41. git checkout master
  42. @echo
  43. @echo -e "\e[1mVersion \e[36m$$RELEASE_NUMBER\e[39m successfully tagged!"
  44. @echo -e "Invoke \e[33mgit push origin master features v$$RELEASE_NUMBER\e[39m to finish."