- \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article}
- \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
- \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
- \usepackage[margin=25mm]{geometry}
- \usepackage{graphicx}
- \usepackage{hyperref}
- \usepackage{xcolor}
- \usepackage{fp}
- % Command showing the Moon phase
- \newcommand{\moonphase}[2]{
- \begin{center}
- \begin{minipage}{2cm}
- \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{#1}
- \end{minipage}
- \hspace{5mm}
- \begin{minipage}{7cm}
- \textbf{\currentmoonphasetitle}\\#2
- \end{minipage}
- \end{center}
- }
- % Environment for the ephemerides, when --no-graph is given on the command line
- \newenvironment{ephemerides}{
- \begin{table}[h]
- \centering
- \begin{tabular}{lccc}
- \textbf{\ephemeridesobjecttitle} &
- \textbf{\ephemeridesrisetimetitle} &
- \textbf{\ephemeridesculminationtimetitle} &
- \textbf{\ephemeridessettimetitle}\\
- \hline
- }{
- \end{tabular}
- \end{table}
- }
- % Command adding an object to the ephemerides environment
- \newcommand{\object}[4]{
- \hline
- \textbf{#1} & {#2} & {#3} & {#4}\\
- }
- % Environment to insert the ephemerides graph
- \newenvironment{graphephemerides}{\setlength{\unitlength}{0.02\linewidth}
- \begin{picture}(20,20)
- % Axes
- \put(0,-2){\vector(1,0){50}}
- \multiput(0,-2)(2,0){24}{
- \line(0,-1){0.25}
- }
- \newcounter{hour}
- \multiput(-0.25,-3.5)(4,0){12}{
- \sffamily\footnotesize
- \arabic{hour}\stepcounter{hour}\stepcounter{hour}
- }
- \put(49,-3.5){\sffamily\footnotesize \hourslabel}
- % Graduation
- \put(50,-0.5){\sffamily\footnotesize \Pluto}
- \put(50,1.5){\sffamily\footnotesize \Neptune}
- \put(50,3.5){\sffamily\footnotesize \Uranus}
- \put(50,5.5){\sffamily\footnotesize \Saturn}
- \put(50,7.5){\sffamily\footnotesize \Jupiter}
- \put(50,9.5){\sffamily\footnotesize \Mars}
- \put(50,11.5){\sffamily\footnotesize \Venus}
- \put(50,13.5){\sffamily\footnotesize \Mercury}
- \put(50,15.5){\sffamily\footnotesize \Moon}
- \put(50,17.5){\sffamily\footnotesize \Sun}
- \multiput(0,0)(0,2){10}{
- \color{gray}\line(1,0){48}
- }
- \linethickness{1.5mm}
- }{
- \end{picture}
- \vspace{1cm}
- }
- % Command to add an object to the graph
- \newcommand{\graphobject}[8]{%
- % #1: Y coordinate component
- % #2: Color
- % #3: Hour rise time
- % #4: Minute rise time
- % #5: Hour set time
- % #6: Minute set time
- % #7: Human-readable rise time
- % #8: Human-readable set time
- \FPeval{\start}{#3*2+(#4/60)*2}%
- \FPeval{\length}{#5*2+(#6/60)*2 - \start}%
- \FPeval{\starttext}{\start+0.7}%
- \FPeval{\endtext}{\start+\length-3.25}%
- {\color{#2}%
- \put(\start,#1){%
- \line(1, 0){\length}%
- }}%
- \put(\starttext,#1.5){\sffamily\footnotesize #7}%
- \put(\endtext,#1.5){\sffamily\footnotesize #8}%
- }
- \newcommand{\event}[2]{
- \textbf{#1} & {#2}\\
- }
- \newenvironment{events}{
- \begin{table}[h]
- \begin{tabular}{ll}
- }{
- \end{tabular}
- \end{table}
- }
- % Commands to handle the translated strings
- \newcommand{\currentmoonphasetitle}{Moon phase:}
- \newcommand{\ephemeridesobjecttitle}{Object}
- \newcommand{\ephemeridesrisetimetitle}{Rise time}
- \newcommand{\ephemeridesculminationtimetitle}{Culmination time}
- \newcommand{\ephemeridessettimetitle}{Set time}
- \newcommand{\hourslabel}{hours}
- \newcommand{\Pluto}{Pluto}
- \newcommand{\Neptune}{Neptune}
- \newcommand{\Uranus}{Uranus}
- \newcommand{\Saturn}{Saturn}
- \newcommand{\Jupiter}{Jupiter}
- \newcommand{\Mars}{Mars}
- \newcommand{\Venus}{Venus}
- \newcommand{\Mercury}{Mercury}
- \newcommand{\Moon}{Moon}
- \newcommand{\Sun}{Sun}
- % Fix Unicode issues
- \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{202F}{~}
- \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{00B0}{$^\circ$}
- \hypersetup{pdfinfo={%
- Title={Overview of your sky},
- Creator={Kosmorro v0.10.13}
- }}
- \pagenumbering{gobble}
- \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0}
- \title{\sffamily\href{http://kosmorro.space}{\includegraphics[width=5cm]{__PROJECT_PATH__/assets/png/kosmorro-logo.png}}\\Overview of your sky}
- \date{\vspace{-11mm}\sffamily Monday, January 27, 2020}
- \begin{document}
- \maketitle
- This document summarizes the ephemerides and the events of Monday, January 27, 2020. It aims to help you to prepare your observation session. All the hours are given in UTC.
- Don't forget to check the weather forecast before you go out with your equipment.
- \moonphase{__PROJECT_PATH__/assets/moonphases/png/new-moon.png}{New Moon}
- \section{\sffamily Ephemerides of the day}
- \begin{graphephemerides}%
- \graphobject{18}{gray}{7}{31}{16}{30}{7:31 AM}{4:30 PM}\graphobject{16}{gray}{9}{6}{19}{13}{9:06 AM}{7:13 PM}\graphobject{14}{gray}{8}{10}{17}{28}{8:10 AM}{5:28 PM}\graphobject{12}{gray}{9}{1}{20}{10}{9:01 AM}{8:10 PM}\graphobject{10}{gray}{4}{19}{12}{28}{4:19 AM}{12:28 PM}\graphobject{8}{gray}{6}{15}{14}{21}{6:15 AM}{2:21 PM}\graphobject{6}{gray}{6}{56}{15}{22}{6:56 AM}{3:22 PM}\graphobject{4}{gray}{0}{0}{0}{33}{}{12:33 AM}\graphobject{4}{gray}{10}{21}{24}{0}{10:21 AM}{}\graphobject{2}{gray}{9}{1}{20}{10}{9:01 AM}{8:10 PM}\graphobject{0}{gray}{6}{57}{15}{11}{6:57 AM}{3:11 PM}
- \end{graphephemerides}
- \section{\sffamily Expected events}
- \begin{events}
- \event{8:00 PM}{Venus and Neptune are in conjunction}
- \end{events}
- \end{document}