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docs: add docs and license

Jérôme Deuchnord 4 years ago
3 changed files with 689 additions and 0 deletions
  1. +84
  2. +517
  3. +88

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# Contributing to Kosmorro

If you are reading this, then you are probably looking for a way to contribute to Kosmorro (you're in the good place!). Thank you!
There are multiple ways to contribute that can match with your possibilities.

## Opening issues

### Reporting bugs

If you found a bug, please check it is not already reported in the _Issues_ tab.
If it is not, [create a bug report]( and fill in the template that offers to you. Feel free to give as much information as possible, as it will make the bug easier to fix.

### Suggest a new feature

Have an idea of feature you think would be nice on Kosmorro? Time to suggest it!
First, please check someone didn't suggest your next revolution in the _Issues_ tab. If it's not, [create a feature request]( and fill in the templace that offers to you.

## Writing code

First of all, if you are fixing an opened issue, check that nobody is already working on it — if someone seems to be but their Pull Request seems stuck, please ask them first if you can continue the development. If you retake the code they produced, **don't change the author of the commits**.

Before writing the code, first create a fork of the repository and clone it. You may also want to add the original repository (`Deuchnord/kosmorro`), so you can update your fork with the last upstream commits.

Then create a new branch and start coding. Finally, commit and push, then open a PR on this project. If your project is not complete, feel free to open it as Draft (if you forgot to activate the Draft status, just edit the first comment to say it), then mark it as ready for review when you're done.

### Choosing the right target branch

Whatever you are doing, always base your working branch on `master`.
When you create your PR, please consider selecting the right target branch:

- If you are fixing a bug or optimizing something, then target the `master` branch.
- If you are doing anything else, then target the `feature` branch.

This allows to make easier to publish patch releases, which have a higher priority than the minor releases.

### Matching the coding standards

Kosmorro's source code follows the major coding standards of Python (PEPs). Before marking your Pull Request as ready for review, don't forget to check that the code respects the coding standards with PyLint (it is run on the CI, but feel free to run it on your local machine too). Your PR must have a global note of 10/10 to be elligible to merge.
To ensure your code is matching the coding standards, you can use [`black`]( to fix the potential issues.

### Testing the code

[Unit tests]( check that every little piece of code (any _unit_) does exactly what it is supposed to do. They have several advantages, like proving that new things in the codebase works exactly as they should, and making sure that future changes done later won't break them.

There are two kinds of tests on this project:

- **legacy unit tests**, written with the `unittest` module
- **Documentation tests** (Doctest), written directly in the docs of the library.

The legacy tests are present for historic reason. If you want to add new tests, prefer the Doctest.

To run the tests, invoke the following commands, depending on what you want to test:

| Type | Command
| --- | ---
| Legacy tests | `make test`
| Doctest | `python3`

Note: there are currently some memory leaks in the unit tests, making the result quite difficult to read. I am working to fix this.
If you have troubles reading them, feel free to ask.

### Commiting

The commit messages of this project follow the [Conventional Commits Specification]( basically, when you commit your changes, please prefix them with the following:

- **`fix: `** if your changes fix a bug;
- **`feat: `** if your changes add a new feature.

The message of your commit must start with a lowercase.
Finally, if your change introduce a BC-break, add a footer beginning with `BREAKING CHANGE:` and explaining precisely the BC-break.

Once your PR is ready to review, please squash your commits so it contains only one commit.

> To ensure your commits follow this convention, you can use [glint](

The commit messages are then used to generate the changelog using [`conventional-changelog`](

conventional-changelog -p angular -i -s

## Licensing and Copyright Attribution

When you open a Pull Request to the project, you agree to license your code under the [GNU Affero General Public License version 3](

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This Agreement is a Free Software license agreement that is the result
of discussions between its authors in order to ensure compliance with
the two main principles guiding its drafting:

* firstly, compliance with the principles governing the distribution
of Free Software: access to source code, broad rights granted to
* secondly, the election of a governing law, French law, with which
it is conformant, both as regards the law of torts and
intellectual property law, and the protection that it offers to
both authors and holders of the economic rights over software.

The authors of the CeCILL-C (for Ce[a] C[nrs] I[nria] L[ogiciel] L[ibre])
license are:

Commissariat � l'Energie Atomique - CEA, a public scientific, technical
and industrial research establishment, having its principal place of
business at 25 rue Leblanc, immeuble Le Ponant D, 75015 Paris, France.

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - CNRS, a public scientific
and technological establishment, having its principal place of business
at 3 rue Michel-Ange, 75794 Paris cedex 16, France.

Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique -
INRIA, a public scientific and technological establishment, having its
principal place of business at Domaine de Voluceau, Rocquencourt, BP
105, 78153 Le Chesnay cedex, France.


The purpose of this Free Software license agreement is to grant users
the right to modify and re-use the software governed by this license.

The exercising of this right is conditional upon the obligation to make
available to the community the modifications made to the source code of
the software so as to contribute to its evolution.

In consideration of access to the source code and the rights to copy,
modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
economic rights, and the successive licensors only have limited liability.

In this respect, the risks associated with loading, using, modifying
and/or developing or reproducing the software by the user are brought to
the user's attention, given its Free Software status, which may make it
complicated to use, with the result that its use is reserved for
developers and experienced professionals having in-depth computer
knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test the
suitability of the software as regards their requirements in conditions
enabling the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured and,
more generally, to use and operate it in the same conditions of
security. This Agreement may be freely reproduced and published,
provided it is not altered, and that no provisions are either added or
removed herefrom.

This Agreement may apply to any or all software for which the holder of
the economic rights decides to submit the use thereof to its provisions.


For the purpose of this Agreement, when the following expressions
commence with a capital letter, they shall have the following meaning:

Agreement: means this license agreement, and its possible subsequent
versions and annexes.

Software: means the software in its Object Code and/or Source Code form
and, where applicable, its documentation, "as is" when the Licensee
accepts the Agreement.

Initial Software: means the Software in its Source Code and possibly its
Object Code form and, where applicable, its documentation, "as is" when
it is first distributed under the terms and conditions of the Agreement.

Modified Software: means the Software modified by at least one
Integrated Contribution.

Source Code: means all the Software's instructions and program lines to
which access is required so as to modify the Software.

Object Code: means the binary files originating from the compilation of
the Source Code.

Holder: means the holder(s) of the economic rights over the Initial

Licensee: means the Software user(s) having accepted the Agreement.

Contributor: means a Licensee having made at least one Integrated

Licensor: means the Holder, or any other individual or legal entity, who
distributes the Software under the Agreement.

Integrated Contribution: means any or all modifications, corrections,
translations, adaptations and/or new functions integrated into the
Source Code by any or all Contributors.

Related Module: means a set of sources files including their
documentation that, without modification to the Source Code, enables
supplementary functions or services in addition to those offered by the

Derivative Software: means any combination of the Software, modified or
not, and of a Related Module.

Parties: mean both the Licensee and the Licensor.

These expressions may be used both in singular and plural form.

Article 2 - PURPOSE

The purpose of the Agreement is the grant by the Licensor to the
Licensee of a non-exclusive, transferable and worldwide license for the
Software as set forth in Article 5 hereinafter for the whole term of the
protection granted by the rights over said Software.

Article 3 - ACCEPTANCE

3.1 The Licensee shall be deemed as having accepted the terms and
conditions of this Agreement upon the occurrence of the first of the
following events:

* (i) loading the Software by any or all means, notably, by
downloading from a remote server, or by loading from a physical
* (ii) the first time the Licensee exercises any of the rights
granted hereunder.

3.2 One copy of the Agreement, containing a notice relating to the
characteristics of the Software, to the limited warranty, and to the
fact that its use is restricted to experienced users has been provided
to the Licensee prior to its acceptance as set forth in Article 3.1
hereinabove, and the Licensee hereby acknowledges that it has read and
understood it.



The Agreement shall become effective on the date when it is accepted by
the Licensee as set forth in Article 3.1.

4.2 TERM

The Agreement shall remain in force for the entire legal term of
protection of the economic rights over the Software.


The Licensor hereby grants to the Licensee, who accepts, the following
rights over the Software for any or all use, and for the term of the
Agreement, on the basis of the terms and conditions set forth hereinafter.

Besides, if the Licensor owns or comes to own one or more patents
protecting all or part of the functions of the Software or of its
components, the Licensor undertakes not to enforce the rights granted by
these patents against successive Licensees using, exploiting or
modifying the Software. If these patents are transferred, the Licensor
undertakes to have the transferees subscribe to the obligations set
forth in this paragraph.


The Licensee is authorized to use the Software, without any limitation
as to its fields of application, with it being hereinafter specified
that this comprises:

1. permanent or temporary reproduction of all or part of the Software
by any or all means and in any or all form.

2. loading, displaying, running, or storing the Software on any or
all medium.

3. entitlement to observe, study or test its operation so as to
determine the ideas and principles behind any or all constituent
elements of said Software. This shall apply when the Licensee
carries out any or all loading, displaying, running, transmission
or storage operation as regards the Software, that it is entitled
to carry out hereunder.


The right of modification includes the right to translate, adapt,
arrange, or make any or all modifications to the Software, and the right
to reproduce the resulting software. It includes, in particular, the
right to create a Derivative Software.

The Licensee is authorized to make any or all modification to the
Software provided that it includes an explicit notice that it is the
author of said modification and indicates the date of the creation thereof.


In particular, the right of distribution includes the right to publish,
transmit and communicate the Software to the general public on any or
all medium, and by any or all means, and the right to market, either in
consideration of a fee, or free of charge, one or more copies of the
Software by any means.

The Licensee is further authorized to distribute copies of the modified
or unmodified Software to third parties according to the terms and
conditions set forth hereinafter.


The Licensee is authorized to distribute true copies of the Software in
Source Code or Object Code form, provided that said distribution
complies with all the provisions of the Agreement and is accompanied by:

1. a copy of the Agreement,

2. a notice relating to the limitation of both the Licensor's
warranty and liability as set forth in Articles 8 and 9,

and that, in the event that only the Object Code of the Software is
redistributed, the Licensee allows effective access to the full Source
Code of the Software at a minimum during the entire period of its
distribution of the Software, it being understood that the additional
cost of acquiring the Source Code shall not exceed the cost of
transferring the data.


When the Licensee makes an Integrated Contribution to the Software, the
terms and conditions for the distribution of the resulting Modified
Software become subject to all the provisions of this Agreement.

The Licensee is authorized to distribute the Modified Software, in
source code or object code form, provided that said distribution
complies with all the provisions of the Agreement and is accompanied by:

1. a copy of the Agreement,

2. a notice relating to the limitation of both the Licensor's
warranty and liability as set forth in Articles 8 and 9,

and that, in the event that only the object code of the Modified
Software is redistributed, the Licensee allows effective access to the
full source code of the Modified Software at a minimum during the entire
period of its distribution of the Modified Software, it being understood
that the additional cost of acquiring the source code shall not exceed
the cost of transferring the data.


When the Licensee creates Derivative Software, this Derivative Software
may be distributed under a license agreement other than this Agreement,
subject to compliance with the requirement to include a notice
concerning the rights over the Software as defined in Article 6.4.
In the event the creation of the Derivative Software required modification
of the Source Code, the Licensee undertakes that:

1. the resulting Modified Software will be governed by this Agreement,
2. the Integrated Contributions in the resulting Modified Software
will be clearly identified and documented,
3. the Licensee will allow effective access to the source code of the
Modified Software, at a minimum during the entire period of
distribution of the Derivative Software, such that such
modifications may be carried over in a subsequent version of the
Software; it being understood that the additional cost of
purchasing the source code of the Modified Software shall not
exceed the cost of transferring the data.


When a Modified Software contains an Integrated Contribution subject to
the CeCILL license agreement, or when a Derivative Software contains a
Related Module subject to the CeCILL license agreement, the provisions
set forth in the third item of Article 6.4 are optional.



The Holder owns the economic rights over the Initial Software. Any or
all use of the Initial Software is subject to compliance with the terms
and conditions under which the Holder has elected to distribute its work
and no one shall be entitled to modify the terms and conditions for the
distribution of said Initial Software.

The Holder undertakes that the Initial Software will remain ruled at
least by this Agreement, for the duration set forth in Article 4.2.


The Licensee who develops an Integrated Contribution is the owner of the
intellectual property rights over this Contribution as defined by
applicable law.


The Licensee who develops a Related Module is the owner of the
intellectual property rights over this Related Module as defined by
applicable law and is free to choose the type of agreement that shall
govern its distribution under the conditions defined in Article 5.3.3.


The Licensee expressly undertakes:

1. not to remove, or modify, in any manner, the intellectual property
notices attached to the Software;

2. to reproduce said notices, in an identical manner, in the copies
of the Software modified or not;

3. to ensure that use of the Software, its intellectual property
notices and the fact that it is governed by the Agreement is
indicated in a text that is easily accessible, specifically from
the interface of any Derivative Software.

The Licensee undertakes not to directly or indirectly infringe the
intellectual property rights of the Holder and/or Contributors on the
Software and to take, where applicable, vis-�-vis its staff, any and all
measures required to ensure respect of said intellectual property rights
of the Holder and/or Contributors.


7.1 Under no circumstances shall the Agreement oblige the Licensor to
provide technical assistance or maintenance services for the Software.

However, the Licensor is entitled to offer this type of services. The
terms and conditions of such technical assistance, and/or such
maintenance, shall be set forth in a separate instrument. Only the
Licensor offering said maintenance and/or technical assistance services
shall incur liability therefor.

7.2 Similarly, any Licensor is entitled to offer to its licensees, under
its sole responsibility, a warranty, that shall only be binding upon
itself, for the redistribution of the Software and/or the Modified
Software, under terms and conditions that it is free to decide. Said
warranty, and the financial terms and conditions of its application,
shall be subject of a separate instrument executed between the Licensor
and the Licensee.

Article 8 - LIABILITY

8.1 Subject to the provisions of Article 8.2, the Licensee shall be
entitled to claim compensation for any direct loss it may have suffered
from the Software as a result of a fault on the part of the relevant
Licensor, subject to providing evidence thereof.

8.2 The Licensor's liability is limited to the commitments made under
this Agreement and shall not be incurred as a result of in particular:
(i) loss due the Licensee's total or partial failure to fulfill its
obligations, (ii) direct or consequential loss that is suffered by the
Licensee due to the use or performance of the Software, and (iii) more
generally, any consequential loss. In particular the Parties expressly
agree that any or all pecuniary or business loss (i.e. loss of data,
loss of profits, operating loss, loss of customers or orders,
opportunity cost, any disturbance to business activities) or any or all
legal proceedings instituted against the Licensee by a third party,
shall constitute consequential loss and shall not provide entitlement to
any or all compensation from the Licensor.

Article 9 - WARRANTY

9.1 The Licensee acknowledges that the scientific and technical
state-of-the-art when the Software was distributed did not enable all
possible uses to be tested and verified, nor for the presence of
possible defects to be detected. In this respect, the Licensee's
attention has been drawn to the risks associated with loading, using,
modifying and/or developing and reproducing the Software which are
reserved for experienced users.

The Licensee shall be responsible for verifying, by any or all means,
the suitability of the product for its requirements, its good working
order, and for ensuring that it shall not cause damage to either persons
or properties.

9.2 The Licensor hereby represents, in good faith, that it is entitled
to grant all the rights over the Software (including in particular the
rights set forth in Article 5).

9.3 The Licensee acknowledges that the Software is supplied "as is" by
the Licensor without any other express or tacit warranty, other than
that provided for in Article 9.2 and, in particular, without any warranty
as to its commercial value, its secured, safe, innovative or relevant

Specifically, the Licensor does not warrant that the Software is free
from any error, that it will operate without interruption, that it will
be compatible with the Licensee's own equipment and software
configuration, nor that it will meet the Licensee's requirements.

9.4 The Licensor does not either expressly or tacitly warrant that the
Software does not infringe any third party intellectual property right
relating to a patent, software or any other property right. Therefore,
the Licensor disclaims any and all liability towards the Licensee
arising out of any or all proceedings for infringement that may be
instituted in respect of the use, modification and redistribution of the
Software. Nevertheless, should such proceedings be instituted against
the Licensee, the Licensor shall provide it with technical and legal
assistance for its defense. Such technical and legal assistance shall be
decided on a case-by-case basis between the relevant Licensor and the
Licensee pursuant to a memorandum of understanding. The Licensor
disclaims any and all liability as regards the Licensee's use of the
name of the Software. No warranty is given as regards the existence of
prior rights over the name of the Software or as regards the existence
of a trademark.

Article 10 - TERMINATION

10.1 In the event of a breach by the Licensee of its obligations
hereunder, the Licensor may automatically terminate this Agreement
thirty (30) days after notice has been sent to the Licensee and has
remained ineffective.

10.2 A Licensee whose Agreement is terminated shall no longer be
authorized to use, modify or distribute the Software. However, any
licenses that it may have granted prior to termination of the Agreement
shall remain valid subject to their having been granted in compliance
with the terms and conditions hereof.



Neither Party shall be liable for any or all delay, or failure to
perform the Agreement, that may be attributable to an event of force
majeure, an act of God or an outside cause, such as defective
functioning or interruptions of the electricity or telecommunications
networks, network paralysis following a virus attack, intervention by
government authorities, natural disasters, water damage, earthquakes,
fire, explosions, strikes and labor unrest, war, etc.

11.2 Any failure by either Party, on one or more occasions, to invoke
one or more of the provisions hereof, shall under no circumstances be
interpreted as being a waiver by the interested Party of its right to
invoke said provision(s) subsequently.

11.3 The Agreement cancels and replaces any or all previous agreements,
whether written or oral, between the Parties and having the same
purpose, and constitutes the entirety of the agreement between said
Parties concerning said purpose. No supplement or modification to the
terms and conditions hereof shall be effective as between the Parties
unless it is made in writing and signed by their duly authorized

11.4 In the event that one or more of the provisions hereof were to
conflict with a current or future applicable act or legislative text,
said act or legislative text shall prevail, and the Parties shall make
the necessary amendments so as to comply with said act or legislative
text. All other provisions shall remain effective. Similarly, invalidity
of a provision of the Agreement, for any reason whatsoever, shall not
cause the Agreement as a whole to be invalid.


The Agreement is drafted in both French and English and both versions
are deemed authentic.


12.1 Any person is authorized to duplicate and distribute copies of this

12.2 So as to ensure coherence, the wording of this Agreement is
protected and may only be modified by the authors of the License, who
reserve the right to periodically publish updates or new versions of the
Agreement, each with a separate number. These subsequent versions may
address new issues encountered by Free Software.

12.3 Any Software distributed under a given version of the Agreement may
only be subsequently distributed under the same version of the Agreement
or a subsequent version.


13.1 The Agreement is governed by French law. The Parties agree to
endeavor to seek an amicable solution to any disagreements or disputes
that may arise during the performance of the Agreement.

13.2 Failing an amicable solution within two (2) months as from their
occurrence, and unless emergency proceedings are necessary, the
disagreements or disputes shall be referred to the Paris Courts having
jurisdiction, by the more diligent Party.

Version 1.0 dated 2006-09-05.

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# Kosmorrolib - a library to compute your ephemerides!
[![Coverage Status](]( [![Version on PyPI](]( [![Discord](](

## Installation

### Requirements

Kosmorro requires the following software to work:

- Python ≥ 3.5.0

### Production environment

Keep in mind that Kosmorro is still in alpha development stage and is not considered as stable.

#### Linux

##### Arch Linux, Manjaro…

Kosmorro is available [in the AUR](

##### Other distributions

Kosmorro is available [on PyPI](, a repository dedicated to Python.
First, install `python-pip` on your system and invoke the following command: `pip install kosmorro`.

#### macOS

Currently, macOS does not provide Python 3, so you will first have to install it.
If you don't have it, first install [HomeBrew](, then install Python 3: `brew install python`.

This will install Python 3 and its PIP on your system. Note that their executables are called `python3` and `pip3`.
Now, you can install Kosmorro with your PIP: `pip3 install kosmorro`.

#### Windows

Kosmorro being at an early-stage development, Windows is not supported officially for now.

### Development environment

First, install [Pipenv](

Clone this repository and run `pipenv sync` to install all the dependencies.
Then, run Kosmorro by invoking `pipenv run python kosmorro`.

For comfort, you may want to invoke `pipenv shell` first and then just `python kosmoro`.

## Using Kosmorro

Using Kosmorro is as simple as invoking `kosmorro` in your terminal!

By default, it will give you the current Moon phase and, if any, the events that will occur today.
To get the rise, culmination and set of the objects of the Solar system, you will need to give it your position on Earth: get your current coordinates (with [OpenStreetMap]( for instance), and give them to Kosmorro by invoking it with the following parameters: `--latitude=X --longitude=Y` (replace `X` by the latitude and `Y` by the longitude).

Kosmorro has a lot of available options. To get a list of them, run `kosmorro --help`, or read its manual with `man kosmorro`.

Note: the first time it runs, Kosmorro will download some important files needed to make the computations. They are stored in a cache folder named `.kosmorro-cache` located in your home directory (`/home/<username>` on Linux, `/Users/<username>` on macOS).

### Exporting to PDF

Kosmorro can export the computation results to PDF files, but this feature requires first that you install some additional dependencies. Before you use this feature, please check these packages are installed:

- **A LaTeX distribution:**
- Linux: install TeXLive through your packages manager. Kosmorro just needs the minimal installation, you don't need any extension.
- macOS: install [MacTeX](, the basic version will suffice:
- from the official website, choose the _smaller download_
- with Brew: `brew install basictex`
- **The `latex` Python library:**
- Arch Linux: the library is available [on the AUR](
- Any other systems: install it through PyPI: `pip install latex`

These dependencies are not installed by default, because they take a lot of place and are not necessary if you are not interested in generating PDF files.
The first time you ask Kosmorro to create a PDF, it may be a little verbose. You can ignore its blahblah.

### Opening the GUI


Kosmorro provides a graphical user interface that can be easily launched by invoking the `kosmorro --gui` command.

To run it, you will have to install the `wxpython` package:

- **On Linux**, wxPython is most likely provided by your packages manager.
- **On Mac**, install wxPython by invoking `pip3 install wxPython`.

Alternatively, you may download the DMG file on the release page (note that you won't be able to use the command
line in this case).
