#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Kosmorrolib - The Library To Compute Your Ephemerides # Copyright (C) 2021 Jérôme Deuchnord # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from typing import Union from datetime import datetime, timezone from math import asin from skyfield.api import Topos, Time, Angle from skyfield.vectorlib import VectorSum as SkfPlanet from .core import get_skf_objects, get_timescale from .enum import MoonPhaseType, EventType, ObjectIdentifier, ObjectType class Serializable(ABC): @abstractmethod def serialize(self) -> dict: pass class MoonPhase(Serializable): def __init__( self, phase_type: MoonPhaseType, time: datetime = None, next_phase_date: datetime = None, ): self.phase_type = phase_type self.time = time self.next_phase_date = next_phase_date def __repr__(self): return "" % ( self.phase_type, self.time, self.next_phase_date, ) def get_next_phase(self): """Helper to get the Moon phase that follows the one described by the object. If the current Moon phase is New Moon or Waxing crescent, the next one will be First Quarter: >>> moon_phase = MoonPhase(MoonPhaseType.NEW_MOON) >>> moon_phase.get_next_phase() >>> moon_phase = MoonPhase(MoonPhaseType.NEW_MOON) >>> moon_phase.get_next_phase() If the current Moon phase is First Quarter or Waxing gibbous, the next one will be Full Moon: >>> moon_phase = MoonPhase(MoonPhaseType.FIRST_QUARTER) >>> moon_phase.get_next_phase() >>> moon_phase = MoonPhase(MoonPhaseType.WAXING_GIBBOUS) >>> moon_phase.get_next_phase() If the current Moon phase is Full Moon or Waning gibbous, the next one will be Last Quarter: >>> moon_phase = MoonPhase(MoonPhaseType.FULL_MOON) >>> moon_phase.get_next_phase() >>> moon_phase = MoonPhase(MoonPhaseType.WANING_GIBBOUS) >>> moon_phase.get_next_phase() If the current Moon phase is Last Quarter Moon or Waning crescent, the next one will be New Moon: >>> moon_phase = MoonPhase(MoonPhaseType.LAST_QUARTER) >>> moon_phase.get_next_phase() >>> moon_phase = MoonPhase(MoonPhaseType.WANING_CRESCENT) >>> moon_phase.get_next_phase() """ if self.phase_type in [MoonPhaseType.NEW_MOON, MoonPhaseType.WAXING_CRESCENT]: return MoonPhaseType.FIRST_QUARTER if self.phase_type in [ MoonPhaseType.FIRST_QUARTER, MoonPhaseType.WAXING_GIBBOUS, ]: return MoonPhaseType.FULL_MOON if self.phase_type in [MoonPhaseType.FULL_MOON, MoonPhaseType.WANING_GIBBOUS]: return MoonPhaseType.LAST_QUARTER return MoonPhaseType.NEW_MOON def serialize(self) -> dict: return { "phase": self.phase_type.name, "time": self.time.isoformat() if self.time is not None else None, "next": { "phase": self.get_next_phase().name, "time": self.next_phase_date.isoformat(), }, } class Object(Serializable): """ An astronomical object. """ def __init__( self, identifier: ObjectIdentifier, skyfield_object: SkfPlanet, radius: float = None, ): """ Initialize an astronomical object :param ObjectIdentifier identifier: the official name of the object (may be internationalized) :param str skyfield_object: the object from Skyfield library :param float radius: the radius (in km) of the object """ self.identifier = identifier self.skyfield_object = skyfield_object self.radius = radius def __repr__(self): return "" % ( self.get_type().name, self.identifier.name, ) @abstractmethod def get_type(self) -> ObjectType: pass def get_apparent_radius(self, for_date: Union[Time, datetime]) -> Angle: """Calculate the apparent radius, in degrees, of the object from the given place at a given time. **Warning:** this is an internal function, not intended for use by end-developers. For an easier usage, this method accepts datetime and Skyfield's Time objects: >>> sun = ASTERS[0] >>> sun.get_apparent_radius(datetime(2021, 6, 9, tzinfo=timezone.utc)) >>> sun.get_apparent_radius(get_timescale().utc(2021, 6, 9)) Source of the algorithm: https://rhodesmill.org/skyfield/examples.html#what-is-the-angular-diameter-of-a-planet-given-its-radius :param for_date: the date for which the apparent radius has to be returned :return: an object representing a Skyfield angle """ if isinstance(for_date, datetime): for_date = get_timescale().from_datetime(for_date) ra, dec, distance = ( EARTH.skyfield_object.at(for_date) .observe(self.skyfield_object) .apparent() .radec() ) return Angle(radians=asin(self.radius / distance.km) * 2.0) def serialize(self) -> dict: """Serialize the given object >>> planet = Planet(ObjectIdentifier.MARS, "MARS") >>> planet.serialize() {'identifier': 'MARS', 'type': 'PLANET', 'radius': None} """ return { "identifier": self.identifier.name, "type": self.get_type().name, "radius": self.radius, } class Star(Object): def get_type(self) -> ObjectType: return ObjectType.STAR class Planet(Object): def get_type(self) -> ObjectType: return ObjectType.PLANET class DwarfPlanet(Planet): def get_type(self) -> ObjectType: return ObjectType.DWARF_PLANET class Satellite(Object): def get_type(self) -> ObjectType: return ObjectType.SATELLITE class Event(Serializable): def __init__( self, event_type: EventType, objects: [Object], start_time: datetime, end_time: Union[datetime, None] = None, details: {str: any} = None, ): self.event_type = event_type self.objects = objects self.start_time = start_time self.end_time = end_time self.details = details def __repr__(self): return "" % ( self.event_type.name, self.objects, self.start_time, self.end_time, self.details, ) def get_description(self, show_details: bool = True) -> str: description = self.event_type.value % self._get_objects_name() if show_details and self.details is not None: description += " ({:s})".format(self.details) return description def _get_objects_name(self): if len(self.objects) == 1: return self.objects[0].name return tuple(object.name for object in self.objects) def serialize(self) -> dict: return { "objects": [object.serialize() for object in self.objects], "EventType": self.event_type.name, "starts_at": self.start_time.isoformat(), "ends_at": self.end_time.isoformat() if self.end_time is not None else None, "details": self.details, } class AsterEphemerides(Serializable): def __init__( self, rise_time: Union[datetime, None], culmination_time: Union[datetime, None], set_time: Union[datetime, None], aster: Object, ): self.rise_time = rise_time self.culmination_time = culmination_time self.set_time = set_time self.object = aster def __repr__(self): return ( "" % (self.rise_time, self.culmination_time, self.set_time, self.object) ) def serialize(self) -> dict: return { "object": self.object.serialize(), "rise_time": ( self.rise_time.isoformat() if self.rise_time is not None else None ), "culmination_time": ( self.culmination_time.isoformat() if self.culmination_time is not None else None ), "set_time": ( self.set_time.isoformat() if self.set_time is not None else None ), } EARTH = Planet(ObjectIdentifier.EARTH, get_skf_objects()["EARTH"]) ASTERS = [ Star(ObjectIdentifier.SUN, get_skf_objects()["SUN"], radius=696342), Satellite(ObjectIdentifier.MOON, get_skf_objects()["MOON"], radius=1737.4), Planet(ObjectIdentifier.MERCURY, get_skf_objects()["MERCURY"], radius=2439.7), Planet(ObjectIdentifier.VENUS, get_skf_objects()["VENUS"], radius=6051.8), Planet(ObjectIdentifier.MARS, get_skf_objects()["MARS"], radius=3396.2), Planet( ObjectIdentifier.JUPITER, get_skf_objects()["JUPITER BARYCENTER"], radius=71492 ), Planet( ObjectIdentifier.SATURN, get_skf_objects()["SATURN BARYCENTER"], radius=60268 ), Planet( ObjectIdentifier.URANUS, get_skf_objects()["URANUS BARYCENTER"], radius=25559 ), Planet( ObjectIdentifier.NEPTUNE, get_skf_objects()["NEPTUNE BARYCENTER"], radius=24764 ), Planet(ObjectIdentifier.PLUTO, get_skf_objects()["PLUTO BARYCENTER"], radius=1185), ] def get_aster(identifier: ObjectIdentifier) -> Object: """Return the aster with the given identifier >>> get_aster(ObjectIdentifier.SATURN) You can also use it to get the `EARTH` object, even though it has its own constant: """ if identifier == ObjectIdentifier.EARTH: return EARTH for aster in ASTERS: if aster.identifier == identifier: return aster class Position: def __init__(self, latitude: float, longitude: float): self.latitude = latitude self.longitude = longitude self._topos = None def get_planet_topos(self) -> Topos: if self._topos is None: self._topos = EARTH.skyfield_object + Topos( latitude_degrees=self.latitude, longitude_degrees=self.longitude ) return self._topos