- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- # Kosmorrolib - The Library To Compute Your Ephemerides
- # Copyright (C) 2021 Jérôme Deuchnord <jerome@deuchnord.fr>
- #
- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
- # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
- # License, or (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- from datetime import date, timedelta
- from skyfield.errors import EphemerisRangeError
- from skyfield.timelib import Time
- from skyfield.searchlib import find_discrete, find_maxima, find_minima
- from skyfield.units import Angle
- from skyfield import almanac, eclipselib
- from numpy import pi
- from kosmorrolib.model import (
- Object,
- Event,
- Object,
- Star,
- Planet,
- get_aster,
- )
- from kosmorrolib.dateutil import translate_to_timezone
- from kosmorrolib.enum import EventType, ObjectIdentifier, SeasonType, LunarEclipseType
- from kosmorrolib.exceptions import OutOfRangeDateError
- from kosmorrolib.core import get_timescale, get_skf_objects, flatten_list
- def _search_conjunctions_occultations(
- start_time: Time, end_time: Time, timezone: int
- ) -> [Event]:
- """Function to search conjunction.
- **Warning:** this is an internal function, not intended for use by end-developers.
- Will return MOON and VENUS opposition on 2021-06-12:
- >>> conjunction = _search_conjunctions_occultations(get_timescale().utc(2021, 6, 12), get_timescale().utc(2021, 6, 13), 0)
- >>> len(conjunction)
- 1
- >>> conjunction[0].objects
- [<Object type=SATELLITE name=MOON />, <Object type=PLANET name=VENUS />]
- Will return nothing if no conjunction happens:
- >>> _search_conjunctions_occultations(get_timescale().utc(2021, 6, 17),get_timescale().utc(2021, 6, 18), 0)
- []
- This function detects occultations too:
- >>> _search_conjunctions_occultations(get_timescale().utc(2021, 4, 17),get_timescale().utc(2021, 4, 18), 0)
- [<Event type=OCCULTATION objects=[<Object type=SATELLITE name=MOON />, <Object type=PLANET name=MARS />] start=2021-04-17 12:08:16.115650+00:00 end=None details=None />]
- """
- earth = get_skf_objects()["earth"]
- aster1 = None
- aster2 = None
- def is_in_conjunction(time: Time):
- earth_pos = earth.at(time)
- _, aster1_lon, _ = (
- earth_pos.observe(aster1.skyfield_object).apparent().ecliptic_latlon()
- )
- _, aster2_lon, _ = (
- earth_pos.observe(aster2.skyfield_object).apparent().ecliptic_latlon()
- )
- return ((aster1_lon.radians - aster2_lon.radians) / pi % 2.0).astype(
- "int8"
- ) == 0
- is_in_conjunction.rough_period = 60.0
- computed = []
- events = []
- for aster1 in ASTERS:
- # Ignore the Sun
- if isinstance(aster1, Star):
- continue
- for aster2 in ASTERS:
- if isinstance(aster2, Star) or aster2 == aster1 or aster2 in computed:
- continue
- times, is_conjs = find_discrete(start_time, end_time, is_in_conjunction)
- for i, time in enumerate(times):
- if is_conjs[i]:
- aster1_pos = (aster1.skyfield_object - earth).at(time)
- aster2_pos = (aster2.skyfield_object - earth).at(time)
- distance = aster1_pos.separation_from(aster2_pos).degrees
- if (
- distance - aster2.get_apparent_radius(time).degrees
- < aster1.get_apparent_radius(time).degrees
- ):
- occulting_aster = (
- [aster1, aster2]
- if aster1_pos.distance().km < aster2_pos.distance().km
- else [aster2, aster1]
- )
- events.append(
- Event(
- occulting_aster,
- translate_to_timezone(time.utc_datetime(), timezone),
- )
- )
- else:
- events.append(
- Event(
- [aster1, aster2],
- translate_to_timezone(time.utc_datetime(), timezone),
- )
- )
- computed.append(aster1)
- return events
- def _search_oppositions(start_time: Time, end_time: Time, timezone: int) -> [Event]:
- """Function to search oppositions.
- **Warning:** this is an internal function, not intended for use by end-developers.
- Will return Mars opposition on 2020-10-13:
- >>> oppositions = _search_oppositions(get_timescale().utc(2020, 10, 13), get_timescale().utc(2020, 10, 14), 0)
- >>> len(oppositions)
- 1
- >>> oppositions[0].objects[0]
- <Object type=PLANET name=MARS />
- Will return nothing if no opposition happens:
- >>> _search_oppositions(get_timescale().utc(2021, 3, 20), get_timescale().utc(2021, 3, 21), 0)
- []
- """
- earth = get_skf_objects()["earth"]
- sun = get_skf_objects()["sun"]
- aster = None
- def is_oppositing(time: Time) -> [bool]:
- diff = get_angle(time)
- return diff > 180
- def get_angle(time: Time):
- earth_pos = earth.at(time)
- sun_pos = earth_pos.observe(
- sun
- ).apparent() # Never do this without eyes protection!
- aster_pos = earth_pos.observe(aster.skyfield_object).apparent()
- _, lon1, _ = sun_pos.ecliptic_latlon()
- _, lon2, _ = aster_pos.ecliptic_latlon()
- return lon1.degrees - lon2.degrees
- is_oppositing.rough_period = 1.0
- events = []
- for aster in ASTERS:
- if not isinstance(aster, Planet) or aster.identifier in [
- ObjectIdentifier.MERCURY,
- ObjectIdentifier.VENUS,
- ]:
- continue
- times, _ = find_discrete(start_time, end_time, is_oppositing)
- for time in times:
- if get_angle(time) < 0:
- # If the angle is negative, then it is actually a false positive.
- # Just ignoring it.
- continue
- events.append(
- Event(
- [aster],
- translate_to_timezone(time.utc_datetime(), timezone),
- )
- )
- return events
- def _search_maximal_elongations(
- start_time: Time, end_time: Time, timezone: int
- ) -> [Event]:
- """Function to search oppositions.
- **Warning:** this is an internal function, not intended for use by end-developers.
- Will return Mercury maimum elogation for September 14, 2021:
- >>> get_events(date(2021, 9, 14))
- [<Event type=MAXIMAL_ELONGATION objects=[<Object type=PLANET name=MERCURY />] start=2021-09-14 04:13:46.664879+00:00 end=None details={'deg': 26.8} />]
- """
- earth = get_skf_objects()["earth"]
- sun = get_skf_objects()["sun"]
- def get_elongation(planet: Object):
- def f(time: Time):
- sun_pos = (sun - earth).at(time)
- aster_pos = (planet.skyfield_object - earth).at(time)
- separation = sun_pos.separation_from(aster_pos)
- return separation.degrees
- f.rough_period = 1.0
- return f
- events = []
- for identifier in [ObjectIdentifier.MERCURY, ObjectIdentifier.VENUS]:
- planet = get_aster(identifier)
- times, elongations = find_maxima(
- start_time,
- end_time,
- f=get_elongation(planet),
- epsilon=1.0 / 24 / 3600,
- num=12,
- )
- for i, time in enumerate(times):
- elongation = round(elongations[i], 1)
- events.append(
- Event(
- [planet],
- translate_to_timezone(time.utc_datetime(), timezone),
- details={"deg": elongation},
- )
- )
- return events
- def _get_distance(to_aster: Object, from_aster: Object):
- def get_distance(time: Time):
- from_pos = from_aster.skyfield_object.at(time)
- to_pos = from_pos.observe(to_aster.skyfield_object)
- return to_pos.distance().km
- get_distance.rough_period = 1.0
- return get_distance
- def _search_apogee(to_aster: Object, from_aster: Object = EARTH) -> callable:
- """Search for moon apogee
- **Warning:** this is an internal function, not intended for use by end-developers.
- Get the moon apogee:
- >>> _search_apogee(ASTERS[1])(get_timescale().utc(2021, 6, 8), get_timescale().utc(2021, 6, 9), 0)
- [<Event type=APOGEE objects=[<Object type=SATELLITE name=MOON />] start=2021-06-08 02:39:40.165271+00:00 end=None details={'distance_km': 406211.04850197025} />]
- Get the Earth's apogee:
- >>> _search_apogee(EARTH, from_aster=ASTERS[0])(get_timescale().utc(2021, 7, 5), get_timescale().utc(2021, 7, 6), 0)
- [<Event type=APOGEE objects=[<Object type=PLANET name=EARTH />] start=2021-07-05 22:35:42.148792+00:00 end=None details={'distance_km': 152100521.91712126} />]
- """
- def f(start_time: Time, end_time: Time, timezone: int) -> [Event]:
- events = []
- times, distances = find_maxima(
- start_time,
- end_time,
- f=_get_distance(to_aster, from_aster),
- epsilon=1.0 / 24 / 60,
- )
- for i, time in enumerate(times):
- events.append(
- Event(
- EventType.APOGEE,
- [to_aster],
- translate_to_timezone(time.utc_datetime(), timezone),
- details={"distance_km": distances[i]},
- )
- )
- return events
- return f
- def _search_perigee(aster: Object, from_aster: Object = EARTH) -> callable:
- """Search for moon perigee
- **Warning:** this is an internal function, not intended for use by end-developers.
- Get the moon perigee:
- >>> _search_perigee(ASTERS[1])(get_timescale().utc(2021, 5, 26), get_timescale().utc(2021, 5, 27), 0)
- [<Event type=PERIGEE objects=[<Object type=SATELLITE name=MOON />] start=2021-05-26 01:56:01.983455+00:00 end=None details={'distance_km': 357313.9680798693} />]
- Get the Earth's perigee:
- >>> _search_perigee(EARTH, from_aster=ASTERS[0])(get_timescale().utc(2021, 1, 2), get_timescale().utc(2021, 1, 3), 0)
- [<Event type=PERIGEE objects=[<Object type=PLANET name=EARTH />] start=2021-01-02 13:59:00.495905+00:00 end=None details={'distance_km': 147093166.1686309} />]
- """
- def f(start_time: Time, end_time: Time, timezone: int) -> [Event]:
- events = []
- times, distances = find_minima(
- start_time,
- end_time,
- f=_get_distance(aster, from_aster),
- epsilon=1.0 / 24 / 60,
- )
- for i, time in enumerate(times):
- events.append(
- Event(
- EventType.PERIGEE,
- [aster],
- translate_to_timezone(time.utc_datetime(), timezone),
- details={"distance_km": distances[i]},
- )
- )
- return events
- return f
- def _search_earth_season_change(
- start_time: Time, end_time: Time, timezone: int
- ) -> [Event]:
- """Function to find earth season change event.
- **Warning:** this is an internal function, not intended for use by end-developers.
- Will return JUNE SOLSTICE on 2020/06/20:
- >>> season_change = _search_earth_season_change(get_timescale().utc(2020, 6, 20), get_timescale().utc(2020, 6, 21), 0)
- >>> len(season_change)
- 1
- >>> season_change[0].event_type
- <EventType.SEASON_CHANGE: 7>
- >>> season_change[0].details
- {'season': <SeasonType.JUNE_SOLSTICE: 1>}
- Will return nothing if there is no season change event in the period of time being calculated:
- >>> _search_earth_season_change(get_timescale().utc(2021, 6, 17), get_timescale().utc(2021, 6, 18), 0)
- []
- """
- events = []
- event_time, event_id = almanac.find_discrete(
- start_time, end_time, almanac.seasons(get_skf_objects())
- )
- if len(event_time) == 0:
- return []
- events.append(
- Event(
- [],
- translate_to_timezone(event_time.utc_datetime()[0], timezone),
- details={"season": SeasonType(event_id[0])},
- )
- )
- return events
- def _search_lunar_eclipse(start_time: Time, end_time: Time, timezone: int) -> [Event]:
- """Function to detect lunar eclipses.
- **Warning:** this is an internal function, not intended for use by end-developers.
- Will return a total lunar eclipse for 2021-05-26:
- >>> _search_lunar_eclipse(get_timescale().utc(2021, 5, 26), get_timescale().utc(2021, 5, 27), 0)
- [<Event type=LUNAR_ECLIPSE objects=[<Object type=SATELLITE name=MOON />] start=2021-05-26 08:47:54.795821+00:00 end=2021-05-26 13:49:34.353411+00:00 details={'type': <LunarEclipseType.TOTAL: 2>, 'maximum': datetime.datetime(2021, 5, 26, 11, 18, 42, 328842, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)} />]
- >>> _search_lunar_eclipse(get_timescale().utc(2019, 7, 16), get_timescale().utc(2019, 7, 17), 0)
- [<Event type=LUNAR_ECLIPSE objects=[<Object type=SATELLITE name=MOON />] start=2019-07-16 18:39:53.391337+00:00 end=2019-07-17 00:21:51.378940+00:00 details={'type': <LunarEclipseType.PARTIAL: 1>, 'maximum': datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 16, 21, 30, 44, 170096, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)} />]
- >>> _search_lunar_eclipse(get_timescale().utc(2017, 2, 11), get_timescale().utc(2017, 2, 12), 0)
- [<Event type=LUNAR_ECLIPSE objects=[<Object type=SATELLITE name=MOON />] start=2017-02-10 22:02:59.016572+00:00 end=2017-02-11 03:25:07.627886+00:00 details={'type': <LunarEclipseType.PENUMBRAL: 0>, 'maximum': datetime.datetime(2017, 2, 11, 0, 43, 51, 793786, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)} />]
- """
- moon = get_aster(ObjectIdentifier.MOON)
- events = []
- t, y, details = eclipselib.lunar_eclipses(start_time, end_time, get_skf_objects())
- for ti, yi in zip(t, y):
- penumbra_radius = Angle(radians=details["penumbra_radius_radians"][0])
- _, max_lon, _ = (
- EARTH.skyfield_object.at(ti)
- .observe(moon.skyfield_object)
- .apparent()
- .ecliptic_latlon()
- )
- def is_in_penumbra(time: Time):
- _, lon, _ = (
- EARTH.skyfield_object.at(time)
- .observe(moon.skyfield_object)
- .apparent()
- .ecliptic_latlon()
- )
- moon_radius = details["moon_radius_radians"]
- return (
- abs(max_lon.radians - lon.radians)
- < penumbra_radius.radians + moon_radius
- )
- is_in_penumbra.rough_period = 60.0
- search_start_time = get_timescale().from_datetime(
- start_time.utc_datetime() - timedelta(days=1)
- )
- search_end_time = get_timescale().from_datetime(
- end_time.utc_datetime() + timedelta(days=1)
- )
- eclipse_start, _ = find_discrete(search_start_time, ti, is_in_penumbra)
- eclipse_end, _ = find_discrete(ti, search_end_time, is_in_penumbra)
- events.append(
- Event(
- [moon],
- start_time=translate_to_timezone(
- eclipse_start[0].utc_datetime(), timezone
- ),
- end_time=translate_to_timezone(eclipse_end[0].utc_datetime(), timezone),
- details={
- "type": LunarEclipseType(yi),
- "maximum": translate_to_timezone(ti.utc_datetime(), timezone),
- },
- )
- )
- return events
- def get_events(for_date: date = date.today(), timezone: int = 0) -> [Event]:
- """Calculate and return a list of events for the given date, adjusted to the given timezone if any.
- Find events that happen on April 4th, 2020 (show hours in UTC):
- >>> get_events(date(2020, 4, 4))
- [<Event type=CONJUNCTION objects=[<Object type=PLANET name=MERCURY />, <Object type=PLANET name=NEPTUNE />] start=2020-04-04 01:14:39.063308+00:00 end=None details=None />]
- Find events that happen on April 4th, 2020 (show timezones in UTC+2):
- >>> get_events(date(2020, 4, 4), 2)
- [<Event type=CONJUNCTION objects=[<Object type=PLANET name=MERCURY />, <Object type=PLANET name=NEPTUNE />] start=2020-04-04 03:14:39.063267+02:00 end=None details=None />]
- Find events that happen on April 3rd, 2020 (show timezones in UTC-2):
- >>> get_events(date(2020, 4, 3), -2)
- [<Event type=CONJUNCTION objects=[<Object type=PLANET name=MERCURY />, <Object type=PLANET name=NEPTUNE />] start=2020-04-03 23:14:39.063388-02:00 end=None details=None />]
- If there is no events for the given date, then an empty list is returned:
- >>> get_events(date(2021, 4, 20))
- []
- Note that the events can only be found for a date range.
- Asking for the events with an out of range date will result in an exception:
- >>> get_events(date(1000, 1, 1))
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- kosmorrolib.exceptions.OutOfRangeDateError: The date must be between 1899-07-28 and 2053-10-08
- :param for_date: the date for which the events must be calculated
- :param timezone: the timezone to adapt the results to. If not given, defaults to 0.
- :return: a list of events found for the given date.
- """
- start_time = get_timescale().utc(
- for_date.year, for_date.month, for_date.day, -timezone
- )
- end_time = get_timescale().utc(
- for_date.year, for_date.month, for_date.day + 1, -timezone
- )
- try:
- found_events = []
- for fun in [
- _search_oppositions,
- _search_conjunctions_occultations,
- _search_maximal_elongations,
- _search_apogee(ASTERS[1]),
- _search_perigee(ASTERS[1]),
- _search_apogee(EARTH, from_aster=ASTERS[0]),
- _search_perigee(EARTH, from_aster=ASTERS[0]),
- _search_earth_season_change,
- _search_lunar_eclipse,
- ]:
- found_events.append(fun(start_time, end_time, timezone))
- return sorted(flatten_list(found_events), key=lambda event: event.start_time)
- except EphemerisRangeError as error:
- start_date = translate_to_timezone(error.start_time.utc_datetime(), timezone)
- end_date = translate_to_timezone(error.end_time.utc_datetime(), timezone)
- start_date = date(start_date.year, start_date.month, start_date.day)
- end_date = date(end_date.year, end_date.month, end_date.day)
- raise OutOfRangeDateError(start_date, end_date) from error