Timers and other features for Heroes of the Storm
Adrien 13d8e7789c 🔨: add sass global variables file pirms 4 gadiem
build 🔨: add sass global variables file pirms 4 gadiem
config 🔥: remove useless nginx config pirms 4 gadiem
src 🔨: add sass global variables file pirms 4 gadiem
static First component (test) pirms 4 gadiem
.babelrc Initialization pirms 4 gadiem
.dockerignore 🔨: optimizing docker dev image pirms 4 gadiem
.drone.yml 💚: fix docker not stopping containers pirms 4 gadiem
.editorconfig First component (test) pirms 4 gadiem
.eslintignore Initialization pirms 4 gadiem
.eslintrc.js Initialization pirms 4 gadiem
.gitignore Initialization pirms 4 gadiem
.nvmrc Function sass pirms 4 gadiem
.postcssrc.js Initialization pirms 4 gadiem
Dockerfile 🔨: Make Dockerfile compatible with older Docker versions pirms 4 gadiem
Dockerfile.production 🔥: remove useless nginx config pirms 4 gadiem
README.md 🎉: add gitmoji badge pirms 4 gadiem
docker-compose.yml 🔨: optimizing docker dev image pirms 4 gadiem
index.html ✏️: change title + fix objective name pirms 4 gadiem
package.json : add vue-long-click pirms 4 gadiem
yarn.lock : add vue-long-click pirms 4 gadiem



Timers and other features for Heroes of the Storm

Gitmoji Build Status

Build Setup

This project run on the node 12 LTS version (Erbium)

# install dependencies

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
yarn dev

# build for production with minification
yarn build

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
yarn build --report

For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the guide and docs for vue-loader.

Run via docker

docker-compose up will build an image with all dependencies, then bind the root directory to the container and launch the dev server

docker build . -f Dockerfile.production will create an image with all project minified, optimized and served via nginx