Timers and other features for Heroes of the Storm
Nevar pievienot vairāk kā 25 tēmas Tēmai ir jāsākas ar burtu vai ciparu, tā var saturēt domu zīmes ('-') un var būt līdz 35 simboliem gara.

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  1. /**
  2. * This file contains informations about all the battlegrounds of the game
  3. * It includes informations about all objectives and camps, and will define the layout of the battleground page
  4. *
  5. * The 'objectives' field is an array, each item being an array representing a line on the battleground page
  6. */
  7. import { CAMPS, MAP } from './objectives'
  8. // TODO adjust camp size, especially on BoE, Blackheart, Gardens, Towers
  9. const BLUE = 'blue side'
  10. const RED = 'red side'
  11. const TOP = 'top'
  12. const BOT = 'bottom'
  13. export default {
  14. alteracPass: {
  15. name: 'Alterac Pass',
  16. backgroundUrl: '/static/backgrounds/alterac-pass.jpg',
  17. objectives: [
  18. [
  19. MAP.cavalryPrison
  20. ],
  21. [
  22. {...CAMPS.iceGiant, position: TOP}
  23. ],
  24. [
  25. {...CAMPS.gnolls, position: BLUE},
  26. {...CAMPS.gnolls, position: RED}
  27. ],
  28. [
  29. {...CAMPS.iceGiant, position: BOT}
  30. ]
  31. ]
  32. },
  33. battlefieldOfEternity: {
  34. name: 'Battlefield of Eternity',
  35. objectives: [
  36. [
  37. MAP.immortals
  38. ],
  39. [
  40. {...CAMPS.impalers, position: TOP}
  41. ],
  42. [
  43. {...CAMPS.shamans, position: BLUE},
  44. {...CAMPS.shamans, position: RED}
  45. ],
  46. [
  47. {...CAMPS.impalers, position: BOT}
  48. ]
  49. ]
  50. },
  51. blackheartSBay: {
  52. name: "Blackheart's Bay",
  53. objectives: [
  54. [
  55. CAMPS.graveGolem
  56. ],
  57. [
  58. {...CAMPS.knights, position: BLUE},
  59. {...CAMPS.knights, position: RED}
  60. ],
  61. [
  62. {...CAMPS.skeletalPirates, position: BLUE},
  63. {...CAMPS.skeletalPirates, position: RED}
  64. ],
  65. [
  66. {...CAMPS.giants, position: BLUE},
  67. {...CAMPS.giants, position: RED}
  68. ],
  69. [
  70. {...CAMPS.knights, position: BOT}
  71. ]
  72. ]
  73. },
  74. gardenOfTerror: {
  75. name: 'Garden of Terror',
  76. objectives: [
  77. [
  78. {...CAMPS.giants, position: 'blue top'},
  79. {...CAMPS.knights, position: RED}
  80. ],
  81. [
  82. {...CAMPS.giants, position: 'red top'}
  83. ],
  84. [
  85. {...CAMPS.giants, position: 'blue bottom'}
  86. ],
  87. [
  88. {...CAMPS.knights, position: BLUE},
  89. {...CAMPS.giants, position: 'red bottom'}
  90. ]
  91. ]
  92. },
  93. hanamuraTemple: {
  94. name: 'Hanamura Temple',
  95. objectives: [
  96. [
  97. {...CAMPS.fortifiaction, position: TOP}
  98. ],
  99. [
  100. {...CAMPS.recon, position: BLUE},
  101. {...CAMPS.sentinel, position: RED}
  102. ],
  103. [
  104. {...CAMPS.sentinel, position: BLUE},
  105. {...CAMPS.recon, position: RED}
  106. ],
  107. [
  108. {...CAMPS.fortifiaction, position: BOT}
  109. ]
  110. ]
  111. },
  112. volskayaFoundry: {
  113. name: 'Volskaya Foundry',
  114. objectives: [
  115. [
  116. MAP.capturePoints
  117. ],
  118. [
  119. {...CAMPS.sentinel, position: BLUE},
  120. CAMPS.support,
  121. {...CAMPS.sentinel, position: RED}
  122. ],
  123. [
  124. {...CAMPS.fortifiaction, position: BLUE},
  125. {...CAMPS.fortifiaction, position: RED}
  126. ]
  127. ]
  128. },
  129. hauntedMines: {
  130. name: 'Haunted Mines',
  131. objectives: [
  132. [
  133. {
  134. name: 'Get this map back into the game',
  135. initialSpawnTime: 31104000
  136. }
  137. ]
  138. ]
  139. },
  140. towersOfDoom: {
  141. name: 'Towers of Doom',
  142. objectives: [
  143. [
  144. MAP.altars
  145. ],
  146. [
  147. {...CAMPS.sappers, position: TOP}
  148. ],
  149. [
  150. {...CAMPS.headlessHorseman}
  151. ],
  152. [
  153. {...CAMPS.sappers, position: BLUE},
  154. {...CAMPS.sappers, position: RED}
  155. ]
  156. ]
  157. },
  158. infernalShrines: {
  159. name: 'Infernal Shrines',
  160. objectives: [
  161. [
  162. MAP.shrine
  163. ],
  164. [
  165. {...CAMPS.shamans, position: BLUE},
  166. {...CAMPS.shamans, position: RED}
  167. ],
  168. [
  169. {...CAMPS.impalers, position: BLUE},
  170. {...CAMPS.impalers, position: RED}
  171. ],
  172. [
  173. {...CAMPS.impalers, position: BOT}
  174. ]
  175. ]
  176. },
  177. tombOfTheSpiderQueen: {
  178. name: 'Tomb of the Spider Queen',
  179. objectives: [
  180. [
  181. CAMPS.sandGolem
  182. ],
  183. [
  184. {...CAMPS.knights, position: BLUE},
  185. {...CAMPS.knights, position: RED}
  186. ],
  187. [
  188. CAMPS.giants
  189. ]
  190. ]
  191. },
  192. skyTemple: {
  193. name: 'Sky Temple',
  194. objectives: [
  195. [
  196. MAP.temples
  197. ],
  198. [
  199. {...CAMPS.knights, position: BLUE},
  200. {...CAMPS.knights, position: RED}
  201. ],
  202. [
  203. {...CAMPS.sandGolem}
  204. ],
  205. [
  206. {...CAMPS.giants, position: BLUE},
  207. {...CAMPS.giants, position: RED}
  208. ]
  209. ]
  210. },
  211. dragonShire: {
  212. name: 'Dragon Shire',
  213. objectives: [
  214. [
  215. MAP.dragon
  216. ],
  217. [
  218. {...CAMPS.knights, position: BLUE},
  219. {...CAMPS.knights, position: RED}
  220. ],
  221. [
  222. {...CAMPS.giants, position: BLUE},
  223. {...CAMPS.giants, position: RED}
  224. ]
  225. ]
  226. },
  227. cursedHollow: {
  228. name: 'Cursed Hollow',
  229. objectives: [
  230. [
  231. {...CAMPS.graveGolem, position: RED}
  232. ],
  233. [
  234. {...CAMPS.giants, position: BLUE},
  235. {...CAMPS.knights, position: RED}
  236. ],
  237. [
  238. {...CAMPS.knights, position: BLUE},
  239. {...CAMPS.giants, position: RED}
  240. ],
  241. [
  242. {...CAMPS.graveGolem, position: BLUE}
  243. ]
  244. ]
  245. },
  246. braxisHoldout: {
  247. name: 'Braxis Holdout',
  248. objectives: [
  249. [
  250. {...CAMPS.goliaths, position: BLUE},
  251. {...CAMPS.hellbats, position: RED}
  252. ],
  253. [
  254. CAMPS.archangel
  255. ],
  256. [
  257. {...CAMPS.hellbats, position: BLUE},
  258. {...CAMPS.goliaths, position: RED}
  259. ]
  260. ]
  261. },
  262. warheadJunction: {
  263. name: 'Warhead Junction',
  264. objectives: [
  265. [
  266. {...CAMPS.slime, position: TOP}
  267. ],
  268. [
  269. {...CAMPS.goliaths, position: BLUE},
  270. {...CAMPS.goliaths, position: RED}
  271. ],
  272. [
  273. {...CAMPS.hellbats, position: BLUE},
  274. {...CAMPS.hellbats, position: RED}
  275. ],
  276. [
  277. {...CAMPS.slime, position: BOT}
  278. ]
  279. ]
  280. }
  281. }